Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 1 - Why am I doing this?

Today is day 1. I have a great mind set! I went to get healthy produce from Sunflower Farmers Market and stocked up on everything I need for the rest of the week to be healthy. Healthy to me is eating fresh food. Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions, zucchini, squash, broccoli, brussel sprouts - all things I love which makes it easier.

I've been trying to keep talking to myself and remind myself why I'm doing this. Its just time, past time. I dont want my daughter to see me as her fat mom. We talk and joke about it but it really isnt funny. It isnt healthy. I want her to have a good body image and I want to have a good body image!

Why am I doing this blog? To talk to myself. To keep myself thinking about this daily and to track/follow how I'm doing in my head. I think if I can get my head 'right' everything else will follow. Breaking myself down and making myself see the real me and what is important to me.

The change is happening. I see it. I feel it. My brain is doing what I wanted it to do! Yip Yip Yip!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The night before day 1

I have been thinking about what I needed to do to make a really big change in my life. I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I cant blame it on having a baby..I was fat when I got pregnant. I currently weight about 2 pounds more than I did when I got pregnant. It isn't baby fat. It is fat fat. It is inactivity. It is laziness. It is eating junk food. It is late night eating. It is poor sleep habits. It is low self esteem and no confidence. It is insecurity. It is an excuse.

I'm done making excuses.

Im not perfect. I am more aware of my imperfections than anyone that 'knows' me or judges me based on first impressions. I think that is part of my 'issue' ALL I see are my imperfections. I see lazy. I see these things. I am so judgmental of myself it is disgusting. I am a perfectionist. If I cant do something perfect...I dont do it at all. I quit because it isnt right.

I feel like I have motivated/inspired a lot of people to be the person I want to be. Why cant I be the person I want to be? Well. Enough is enough. It is my turn. I'm doing this for ME! I do NOT need anyone to do it with me. I have support. I have people in my life that are 'dieting' and getting active. It is January 8th...isnt everyone doing that right now? I'm not doing this as a new years resolution. I've tried that and failed. I am doing this for me!

I'm not sure what my plan is as of yet but I have a few ideas....I pulled out a cook book (South Beach cookbook). I will put it together and get started.

Im on myfitnesspal: tobrocker


On a side note I've decided to do this, start this EPIC thing for me...and I'm moving 800 miles in less than 3 weeks. My life is nuts. But I'm going to do it! No excuses!